Unreal - Structing my weapon Creation workflow (WIP)
Howdy! This post I wanted to talk about my weapon system workflow. Previously I determined how to code combat animations into my game using montage (which hopefully no repercussions down the road), But that's only the beginning. Yes I need enemies and I need to code combat, But I don't want to have just one way to fight with my fists - I want multiple weapons! MANY weapons! And how do I get there? In board terms, this is pretty straight forward - I just need to make a data table with all of the weapons I want. When my character selects a weapon, they pull it from the data table, and pull the necessary data. EASYYYY.... right? Unfortunately it can't be that simple. For two reasons: one, The more data we try to compact into a data table/class, the more confusing it becomes. Plus, some data is not directly associated with other parts. For example, a weapon's Attack data only has a limited association with the animation. Different people using the same weapon might have d...